Featured Articles
Annual Conference on the Renewal of Catholic Education Finds Growing Support
“We have turned a corner and are seeing lots of new faces here. It’s happening. This is not a niche movement ...
CEFC Program Launches in Oklahoma
The Catholic Educator Formation and Credential program, which was originally launched as a joint venture with the ...
CEFC Graduates Now Eligible for Graduate School Credit from Franciscan University
The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education is thrilled to announce that graduates of its Catholic Educator ...
2023 CEFC Graduation Address
By: Katie Gillett, Music and Latin teacher at St. Therese Catholic Classical School in Aurora, CO, and 2023 ...
Making Known to the World the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
By: Mother Gloria Therese, Superior General, Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
True Scientific Literacy
The Science Content Standards for California Public Schools proposes that the science curriculum has as its goal ...
Teaching Virtue: The Dot and the Line
In the cultural wasteland of the '70s, where peace and love had degenerated into sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, ...
Focus On: St. Agatha Academy — Re-Imagining the Catholic School
When John Pica took the helm of Saint Agatha Academy in Winchester, Kentucky, seven years ago, the academic ...
Catholic Culture: Living with the Saints
What are we doing? In today’s confusing, demanding world, Catholic educators must frequently ask this question of ...
Focus On: Saint Mary’s Catholic High School, Phoenix, AZ
Century-old diocesan high school renews its mission by focusing on Catholic identity and liberal arts ...
Why Music Should Be Part of Every Catholic Child’s Education
Imagine finding yourself at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome with someone who is simply bored with the whole thing and ...
Lord of the Rings and Catholic Education: Developing the Human Person
For classical educators, developing the human person is the primary goal, and the cultural treasures of the past ...