Our Impact
I’m more and more convinced that the work of the Institute is poised to play a critical role in revitalizing and renewing Catholic education in our country.
Most Reverend James D. Conley
Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska
It is possible for whole dioceses and Catholic school systems to strengthen the quality of Catholic education offered at this crucial time, thanks to the assistance of fine servant leaders such as the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education.
Mark Salisbury
Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
Diocese of Marquette, Michigan
This has benefited [me] tremendously! It will help me plan better lessons and love my students more. You had a great blend of conference time and time for us to actually talk to each other. It wasn’t so packed that it was overwhelming.
Greetings! I have returned to Massachusetts with joyful memories of a wonderful week. I want to thank you and your team at the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education. I found the conference both instructive and with a keen perception of where people are coming from. The meals and in-between time was a valuable opportunity to meet people and compare experiences. I plan to use some of the audio and your description of Catholic liberal education during our tutor meetings at the beginning of the year. I even went out and bought all of the books that are not yet in our library.
How have I not benefited?! I have been energized, encouraged, and given a plethora of great ideas. I am already planning changes in my method (mimetics) and mindset when I walk into my classroom every day. [The presenters] all had a great grasp on what they wanted to share, as well as a humility that makes this approach seem possible, even to those of us who are newer to it.
My view of education, as a wholesome education of the whole child, has grown immensely. Christ is the center and reason of every aspect of their education, of all they do at school. I also learned a lot about how to practically prepare lessons and curricula for Latin, Math and especially Music.
Complete validation of all the great blessings we have been asked to be a part of at our school. The conference provided an opportunity to network that will allow us all to continue to strengthen and encourage one another in the great, important work of Catholic education.