ICLE’s 2024 National Conference

Information for
Breakout Speakers

JULY 9-12, 2024

Engaging, inspiring speakers contribute enormously to the success of our conference. Thank you for generously agreeing to share your wisdom and experience with this year’s participants!

If you have any questions related to the conference and your role as a breakout speaker, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Megan Fassero, ICLE’s Program Manager at mfassero@catholicliberaleducation.org

Please add me as a contact in your phone (call or text 913-370-5301) so that you can reach me during the conference if you have any difficulties.


Please visit our Attendee Information Page for basic information about the ICLE National Conference, including:

  • Conference Theme
  • Conference Location
  • Conference Schedule
  • Lodging Options
  • Liturgical and Sacramental Opportunities
  • Conference Vendors
  • Parking
  • Dietary Needs and Restrictions
  • Information Sharing
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Other Helpful Notes


We will send you a .pdf version of the National Conference Program several weeks in advance of the conference. The program will contain your breakout block date, time, and location. If possible, you may wish to visit your assigned session room in advance of your presentation.

Please plan to arrive at your classroom at least 15 minutes early. Please be sure to start on time (after the conference volunteer has begun your audio recording), welcome the attendees, introduce yourself, and wrap up your session on time.


STANDARD BREAKOUT BLOCK: Please come prepared for a 50-minute session, including time for Q & A or an interactive portion. Keep in mind that our conference participants are often looking for both theory and practical tools for immediate use in the classroom.

MASTER CLASS BREAKOUT BLOCK: Please come prepared for a 75- to 90-minute session, including time for Q & A and an interactive portion. Our Master Class breakout block allows for presentations that are longer and even more interactive than our standard breakout presentations, providing our participants the opportunity to delve deeply into a particular topic and learn from experts in a variety of disciplines (literature, pedagogy, music, drama, icon-writing, painting, drawing, poetry, etc.).

It’s difficult to predict how many participants will choose to attend your breakout session. Most breakout rooms hold a maximum of 50 people.


Thank you for agreeing that your presentation will not sell or promote a particular product or service at any time during the session. Our policy is that our breakouts must be content-rich and interactive with practical takeaways for attendees.


To present, you will need to use your own laptop. Benedictine College will provide access to their Conferencing WiFi when you arrive on campus.

IMPORTANT: Please note that Benedictine College provides access to its classroom A/V system via an HDMI Cable or USB-C cable; these cables are already equipped in each classroom. You will need one of those outputs on your computer or an adapter for your computer. Please confirm that you have an HDMI or USB-C output on your computer, or make plans to bring an adapter. It is advisable to also bring your presentation on a flash drive as a backup.

Helpful Tip: It is not advisable to present from a Chromebook.

A page of helpful information from Benedictine’s IT department will be placed at each podium, or on the wall next to the podium; please refer to it if you have any difficulty.

If you have any specific questions in advance, please contact Megan Fassero at mfassero@catholicliberaleducation.org to be connected to Benedictine’s IT department.


Your handout will be shared electronically with our conference participants. Please save your handout file as a .pdf, name it with your last name and talk title, and upload it to this folder by Friday, June 7.

If you would also like to provide printed handouts during your session, kindly print up to 50 copies of them before you arrive and bring them with you; copying facilities are limited.


The audio of your session will be recorded and shared with conference participants for 90 days after the National Conference.

Please do not begin your presentation until a conference volunteer has arrived in your room and started the audio recording. Be sure to stay near the audio recorder so that your voice can be easily picked up by the device. A team member will collect the recorder at the end of the presentation.